Indian Diet Plan 1200 Calories Per Day

While trying to lose weight, which of us has not failed in the vicious cycle of the diet and exercise program that we started with excitement?

In the middle of the road, we lost our determination and were attracted to a slice of cake. Few people who managed to lose weight failed to maintain it and returned to their former overweight looks.

So what is the secret to success in losing weight?

The secret to maintaining a healthy body weight and losing weight is a planned calorie intake program that will speed up the metabolism and encourage fat burning.

Increasing metabolic rate is vital in weight loss. Speed ​​up metabolism 1200 calorie diet It is possible with the plan.

It is also important from which foods you get 1200 calories. Junk food, sugary foods, or roasts You should follow a balanced and nutritious diet plan that includes all the vital vitamins and minerals rather than the 1200 calories you get from.

Otherwise, your body will respond to you with weakness and fatigue or even pale skin.

Why 1200 Calorie Diet?

Every person's needs are different, the diet to be followed for effective slimming; activity level, age, gender, weight, height, metabolism, and medical conditions.

For this reason, you should calculate your daily calorie need to find out how many calories your body needs.

To make this calculation " 1500 Calorie Diet Plan Read the article titled ". When you do this calculation "How many kilos are lost with a 1200 calorie diet?" You will also find the answer to the question.

The basic logic of weight loss; To create a calorie deficit in the body by consuming less calories with a balanced diet table.

1200 calories is the basic need of the body, and taking calories below this slows the metabolism of the brain and the body provides energy from the muscles by preserving fat.

Determining the Right Calories

Calories are the most important factor determining weight loss and a calorie deficit should be created with a healthy diet plan.

In terms of weight balance, the calories taken from all kinds of foods are the same, but not all calories are the same when it comes to general health.

Three main sources of calories; consisting of fats, carbohydrates and proteins macronutrient s. Just as we separate the fats as healthy and unhealthy, such a classification can be made in carbohydrates.

Rice, sugar, flour, juices Simple carbohydrates such as fat are substances that create fat in the body.

Like beans, lentils pulse Complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables aid weight loss. Proteins are essential for increasing muscle mass. Therefore, to detect good and bad calories 1200 calorie diet program It is important to consume healthy foods.

The harms of the 1200-calorie diet

Planning a 1200 Calorie Diet Program

According to some experts, snacking prevents weight loss. Others think that eating 5-6 meals a day speeds up the metabolism. 1200 calorie diet The basic idea of ​​the plan is to eat healthy food at short intervals.

You should divide 1200 calories out of 900 calories into three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) consisting of 300 calories. You should create the remaining 300 calories from healthy snacks and beverages at snacks.

Fresh fruit at meals, green leafy vegetables You should consume unprocessed foods such as whole grains, milk, poultry. From processed foods, such as potatoes from starchy vegetables avoid.

Along with the diet calcium and you can take multivitamin supplements. A strict diet throughout the day can often be ruined by craving to eat late at night.

Combination of 1200 Calorie Diet Plan and Exercise

A healthy and balanced diet combined with fast fat burning exercises at home or in the gym, permanent weight lossis the best way.

1200 calorie diet The recommended exercise with moderate intensity such as brisk walking or swimming twice a week for 30-45 minutes. Cycling or running you can also.

1200 calorie sample diet list

Benefits of the 1200-Calorie Diet

Those on a 1200-calorie diet The best part of this is that you can lose weight while enjoying your favorite foods. You don't have to starve yourself or say goodbye to the food you love. All you need is autocontrol.

"Is the 1200-calorie diet healthy? ? " For those who ask, the benefits are listed below.

Those who lose weight with a 1200-calorie diet;

- You can lose weight while enjoying your favorite foods.

- You will get fast results.

- Fast weight loss increases your motivation.

- You do not need to exercise intensely.

- Provides variety and allows you to try healthy and new recipes. Thus, you will not have a chance to get bored with diet.

1200 calorie diet plan is a sure-fire way to lose weight fast. In order to make its effects permanent, you must combine healthy and balanced changes with exercise and transform it into a lifestyle.

How to make a 1200-calorie diet

What to Eat on a 1200 Calorie Diet?

1200 calorie diet plan requires careful consideration of the quantity and quality of food to be consumed to meet nutritional requirements.

Eat more fruits and vegetables as they are low in calories and carbohydrates and high in fiber and vitamins compared to other foods. Vegetables such as cucumbers, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, beets, asparagus, peppers and green leafy vegetables, and fruits such as bananas, plums, cherries, grapes, apples, and peaches are some of the healthier options.

Choose complex carbohydrates instead of simple carbohydrates. Because they are digested slowly and have a low glycemic index, they will keep you full for a longer time, such as whole grain bread and pasta, bran etc. Consume.

It is extremely important to consume a good amount of protein to maintain lean tissue and burn fat. It increases satiety and stimulates thermogenesis, which promotes more energy expenditure. Consume lentils, beans, soy, mushrooms, fish, turkey, chicken breast, and lean beef.

Eat high-protein snacks to increase satiety and control hunger crises.

Eating a healthy, protein-rich breakfast within 1200 calories is an effective way to provide satiety and reduce clogging in unhealthy snacks

What not to eat on a 1200 calorie diet?

Here On a 1200 calorie diet List of foods to avoid…

Avoid the consumption of simple carbohydrates, as they provide little nutritional value and are digested quickly. Sugar, soda, white rice, white pasta, white bread, cereal, desserts, and pastries contain simple carbs.

- Avoid eating deep-fried foods and fried foods such as french fries.

Avoid carbonated and artificially sweetened beverages. Packaged fruit juices contain additives and artificial sweeteners to help you gain weight.

- 1200 calorie diet Avoid alcohol while doing it. Alcohol turns into sugar that is easily absorbed into the blood and raises blood sugar levels.

1200 Calorie Diet List

You can prepare your own diet program according to the above recommendations. The diet given below 1 week 1200 calorie diet list and is given to you as a sample list.

"How many weight does a 1200 calorie diet lose?" question is among the most curious. With this diet, you can lose an average of 4-5 kilos per month. Drink plenty of water while following the diet. To be tighter and lose weight faster walk Do not neglect to do it.

1 week 1200 calorie diet

1200 calorie sample diet list

the 1.G


30 g cheese

2 thin slices of whole wheat bread

1 tomato, 2 cucumbers


100 g of fruit


1 bowl of vegetable soup

1 skinless chicken leg

2 tablespoons of olive oil beans

1 bowl of yoghurt



100 gr light yogurt

100 g of fruit


8 tablespoons of meat and vegetable meal

2 tablespoons of pasta

100 gr light yogurt


the 2.G


1 glass of orange juice

1 lean toast

1 tomato, 3 green peppers


100 g of fruit


1 bowl of lentil soup

180 g grilled meatballs

Half boiled potatoes

1 plate low-fat salad


1 cup of popcorn, unsalted corn


Unlimited baked fish

2 matchbox halvah

1 plate of salad

the 3.G


20 gr cheddar cheese

1 slice of whole wheat bread

1 teaspoon of jam


100 g of fruit


Three pencil cutlets

2 spoons of leek with olive oil

1 bowl of tzatziki


150 gr light milk

6 hazelnuts or walnuts


1 tablespoon lean belly

2 spoons of bulgur pilaf

150 g yoghurt

the 4.G


Menemen with 2 eggs

1 slice of whole wheat bread


150 g of fruit


7 tablespoons ground spinach

2 matchbox cheese pie

100 gr light yogurt



150 g of fruit


The mixed grill

Low-fat salad

the 5.G


2 grilled sausages

1 slice of wholemeal bread



150 g of fruit


1 bowl of tomato soup

200 gr tenderloin



2 tablespoons of barren


8 tablespoons of ground zucchini

200 gr light yogurt

1 slice of whole wheat bread

Lean salad

the 6.G


400 gr light milk

2 tablespoons of muesli

100 g of fruit



100 g of fruit


One and a half servings of lean chicken doner kebab

A glass of buttermilk and a salad


200 g of fruit


100 g of feta cheese

400 g watermelon and salad

the 7.G


200 gr sausage

1 eggs

A slice of whole wheat bread



100 g of fruit


A plate of lean pasta

Lean salad


150 gr. fruit


5 tablespoons of dried beans with meat

2 tablespoons of rice

100 gr light yogurt


As a result;

In order to lose weight, you should apply a diet program that can reduce calories with exercise. 1200 calorie slimming diet You can lose weight quickly and healthily with.

Indian Diet Plan 1200 Calories Per Day


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